Pastor Brian Dyer:
Welcome to Ustick Road Church of the Nazarene. Ustick Road is a friendly, casual church, which practices loving others as themselves. Our church body understands what it means to be a Christian in process. We are all at different places in our spiritual growth, and excited to join one another in our spiritual journey.
I was born in Ohio and raised in Florida. After a six year tour in the navy, I attended NNC and met Nancy, the love of my life, and when you meet her it's easy to see why. We were married in 1991 and, after serving at Nampa Lakeview as youth pastors, came to Ustick Road in 1993.
In 1994, our oldest daughter, Brianna was born. Brianna is married to Fabrice Mugabo and their first child, our third grandson Cleo, arrived this fall. Brianna serves as Sunday School Superintendent at our church and leads VBS every summer. Fabrice serves on the worship team.
In 1997, the Lord blessed us once again with our youngest daughter, Danielle. Danielle and her husband Joshua Stewart gifted us with our first two grandsons, Titan and Gideon. Danielle serves on the Socials and Outreach Committee and Joshua serves as chairman on that committee.
Caldwell Ustick Road is a wonderful church body committed to the worship of our Heavenly Father and the growth of His Kingdom.
God Bless you as you pursue His Heart,
Pastor Brian
Wut up wit chu? I'm Pastor Brian's alternate persona. I come out to play when you need to hear the word mixed with my sick rhymes.